Monday, September 16, 2013

Arty Fowl: Why Reading About A Boy Genius is Fun

Artemis Fowl: kid genius... need I say more? Ok so, I was inspired to blog about Arty because of 1) this kid in my class reading the book 2) That accursed ERomo, stuffing ideas into my head (well not really...)

So you basically get the idea, in each book of the series, Arty outsmarts his supernatural enemies (as in goblins, fairies, and pixies... quite the abnormality...) and pulls off crazy stunts that I recommend you do not try at home (after all, you're no kid genius... if you were, you'd be a fake one because people like Artemis Fowl do not read blogs like mine). But let's get a little technical here: think witty, humorous, and suspenseful in one book. Add that to fictional characters and maybe a dab of heroism and OP butlers... and boom! Masterpiece... or as Big Bang would say, "Fantastic Baby!" (Ok, if any of you didn't get that, please... I suggest you become a Big Bang fanatic...)

And you might ask, why exactly is this series so "Fantastic Baby?!" Well, it's quite simple: we human beings like adventures that we know never could happen... and so when we read books like these, well, let's just say we have pretty dreams at night.

Characters (Really, I don't like listing people that much... it's so boring... but a few characters are better than about 30 like the Game of Thrones... and don't watch that show if you're not of age...):

Artemis (yes, it's primarily a girl's name...) Fowl: reclusive boy genius, socially awkward.

 Accomplishments: masterful forging, skilled burglarizing, the list goes on.... and they're all about the same type of thing....

Things he still needs to work on: Getting over the fact that no one has yet succeeded in controlling puberty, working on his manners, going to the gym a little more often, that kind of stuff..... really, even a boy genius has problems

(First Name: Unknown) Butler: Actually, his first name is known, but I wouldn't write it down on this blog, primarily because I'm a superstitious person and I still have an inkling of doubt that Butler does exist and he will track me down if I reveal such classified information (that everyone already knows...) What I can tell you though, is that he's big, muscular, and reportedly the third most skilled man in the martial arts on Earth (which, of course, mind you, is said in a NOVEL)

Holly Short: She's an elf. Did that blow your mind? Yes? No? If it did, then you're lying because you'd be dead. If it didn't... darn it. Not that kind of elf though, she doesn't help out in Santa's workshop (I mean, seriously though, those elves are so underpaid). She's an elf officer... and I'm sure that totally cleared it up for you.

The rest of the characters, though some pretty significant (like Juliet, who at this point, you don't know about), I'm not going to bother including, that would just be a chore for me and more information for you..... in other words, I'm lazy. However, if I had to give this series a rating: it'd be 4 sparkles out of 5 (mind you, only books like Eragon earn my full five sparkles). And why am I cutting so quickly to the conclusion? Didn't I already say I was lazy? But no, seriously, that's all I can say without completely being a big meany book spoiler. So are you hooked? Please say you are, or I just wasted 10 minutes of my life writing this. Keep on SPARKLING!


  1. Ah yes, the awesome Arty Fowl...

    I <3 that book series~


    1. I mean, after all... who has a bloated up profile picture of a pony?

  2. Oh please... we all know its true... XD
