Thursday, August 29, 2013

Going Camping! (Would Love Advice)

I've never been much of an outdoorsy person, and to be truthful, I really do not like getting dirty. Camping=dirty. I mean, who'd want to sleep on the ground outside when you could have a nice soft mattress any day? Maybe it's just me... I mean, it probably is. But it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Why am I going? Of course, Labor Day Weekend is coming up and what better way to spend the week than sleeping in? No I'm joking, in case you don't understand my sense of humor, and so camping it is! Any tips on how to stay neat during my trek in the wild? Please let me know, I'll be stressing over my hair every minute of the day.

However, take it from a worldly person, here are my tips:

1) Dress comfortable and extremely neat.
2) Tie your hair up.
3) Don't sweat.

Okay, so I really need tips if anything right? I'll be absent (no wifi T-T) but I'll clue you in on my beloved "camping" trip. It's going to be so much fun! XD


  1. You sound like Rarity when you say you hate to get dirty~ XD

    Did ya have fun??

  2. Of course, I'm planning on uploading pictures. Twilight isn't a big fan of dirt and messiness too!

    1. I wanna see pics~

      Ikr... She doesn't seem to like it very much XD
